A Chinese safari park just welcomed its newest, and undeniably cutest, visitors. At the Nantong Forest Safari Park in Jiangsu, eastern China, four white lion cubs were born. The cubs, all of whom are males, are in excellent health.
The lovely cubs were born in November of last year, and the park’s devoted staff will continue to care for them until they are strong enough to rejoin the rest of the lions that reside there.
White lions are a very rare species. Leucism, a recessive trait, is responsible for their distinctive white fur. Leucism, unlike albinism, causes a partial lack of pigmentation. The eyes, mouth, and even claws, on the other hand, are all normal.
Unfortunately, these magnificent creatures are not only rare, but also endangered. White lions are a severely endangered sub-species, according to the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, with just 13 individuals living in the wild. While it’s impossible to say how many of these beautiful wild cats are kept in captivity, sources suggest there are roughly 300 throughout the world. So there’s a lot of excitement everytime a white lion is born!
Despite the fact that their numbers are rapidly dropping, white lions are not yet classified as a separate species, and hence are not protected by law.
The Global White Lion Protection Trust website states, “The White Lions are classed as Panthera leo, which is designated as ‘Vulnerable,’ meaning they may become threatened with extinction in the future unless trade is tightly regulated.” “As a matter of urgency, the White Lion gene must be explored, comprehended, and preserved.”
You can see some unusual white lion cubs wandering in the wild in the video below!