This term is absolutely wildlife if there is a definition for originality, perfection, bizarre events, or gorgeous creatures! Mother Nature surprised us with something too lovely to be true just when we thought we’d seen it all. And I mean it when I say it!
Margaret Neville, from South Africa, was having a typical day. She was admiring her flower-filled yard when something strange, yet quite lovely, grabbed her sight. Margaret noticed something unusual, something out of this planet, as she looked closer. It was an insect, and the woman was taken aback by its magnificence. “At first glance, I was awestruck,” she remarked. Who wouldn’t be… Take a peek at it!
Margaret promptly filmed the once-in-a-lifetime experience on her iPhone and shared some pictures with her friend Kerri Martinaglia, who initially mistook it for a glass sculpture or something. “I thought she was an incredible work of art when I first saw her,” the woman told the Dodo.
Margaret returned the bizarre bug to her lavender shrub after their brief but emotional meeting, but not before giving it a name. Miss Frilly Pants was her moniker. The lovely bug turned out to be a ‘Flower Mantis,’ a subspecies of the praying mantis.
Margaret’s friend Martinaglia, of course, couldn’t help herself and published the images on Facebook. And we’re grateful she did! Her post rapidly went viral, receiving tens of thousands of likes and comments.
More importantly, Margaret claims that Miss Frilly Pants is still present. “She’s been living on my lavender for the entire month of September.” “She’s still there,” the woman said. She even found herself some companions.