Climate change is drastically altering the planet’s biodiversity and ecosystems. Africa and Antarctica are two of the most impacted continents. The situation in Kenya’s Tsavo West National Park, where there has been no rain since June 2018, appears to be worrying. Many animal species appear to be doomed in this area. This good-hearted father, on the other hand, opted to keep them alive.
Patrick Kilonzo Mwalua, a pea farmer, brings truckloads of water to parched animals every day. And animals flock to Patrick as soon as they hear the sound of his truck. Every day, he transports 3,000 gallons of water.
“I saw the waterholes were dry and animals were hanging around them looking quite desperate in June last year when visiting the Tsavo,” Mwalua told Nairobi Wire. ” Because there is no water, the animals are fully reliant on people. They’ll be gone if we don’t aid them.”
Patrick understands that “water is life,” and he hopes that others would join him in this noble endeavor. He’s put up a GoFundMe page so that others may donate to help him preserve the animals. And his lovely gesture of kindness hasn’t gone ignored.
Mwalua stated, “Last night, I discovered 500 buffalo waiting at the water hole.” “They could smell the ocean when I arrived.” The buffalo were quite interested in us and came very near to us. While I was standing there, they began to drink. They’re ecstatic.”
Three American ladies decided to provide him a helping hand. Patrick’s mission is now being assisted by Angie Brown, Cher Callaway, and Tami Calliope. They now possess multiple vehicles, allowing them to transport water to additional drought-stricken areas throughout the African savanna.
“His dedication to the environment and his heritage is immeasurable,” Callaway said. “Even risking his life to transport water to a dry water hole in the middle of the night.”
“I was born here and grew up surrounded by nature, so I have a lot of enthusiasm for wildlife,” the hero explained. “I choose to raise awareness about this so that as kids grow up, they would be able to defend their animals.”
It’s wonderful to see that there are still people who recognize the value of animals and conservation. With so much love and respect for Mother Nature!