In the hidden depths of eastern Europe and western Asia, an extraordinary creature resides - the blind mole-rats, belonging to the Spalax and Nannospalax genera. These remarkable rodents have adapted to a life in total darkness, as their eyes are concealed beneath layers of skin. Despite their blindness, Spalax and Nannospalax are marvels of evolution, perfectly suited to their … [Read more...] about Spalax and Nannospalax: The Blind Mole-Rats
Blind dog stabbed multiple times in standoff makes a full recovery and finds a new home
It’s heartbreaking how cruel some people can be to animals: one sweet, blind dog was stabbed multiple times during a standoff and barely survived, left in critical condition. But after a long road to recovery, the dog has finally gotten some happy news. In late April, police responded to a domestic dispute between a father and son in Lenoir City, Tennessee. According … [Read more...] about Blind dog stabbed multiple times in standoff makes a full recovery and finds a new home
Blind, three-legged kitten finds her forever home on National Kitten Day
National Kitten Day was this week, a day to celebrate all the world’s precious little cats. And it turned out to be a day worth celebrating for one disabled kitten, who ended up finally finding her forever home against all odds. Noodle has been in the care of the Greenville Humane Society, in South Carolina, since May, when the rescue took her and her siblings in after … [Read more...] about Blind, three-legged kitten finds her forever home on National Kitten Day
Blind Dog Isn’t Sure He Should ‘Get To Run Free In His Very Own Field’ After A Year In A Shelter
That happy face 🥰 A 6-year-old blind border collie called Jacko needed to leave the shelter he had been living at for more than a year in the UK immediately. His living condition was stressful, and it appeared that he was running out of time to locate a family. When Jacko had almost given up hope, the ideal application showed up. According to volunteer Cassie Mogford … [Read more...] about Blind Dog Isn’t Sure He Should ‘Get To Run Free In His Very Own Field’ After A Year In A Shelter
Blind Cat is Attempted to Be Rescued, But The Cat Has Other Ideas
“He loves lounging in the sun on top of our boxes and has shelter from the rain." Back in March, when a little kitten arrived behind Jada Hamby's shop, she was naturally concerned. It was soon apparent that the kitten was not only deaf but also blind. With his peculiarities, she and her staff were worried about the kitten being left alone. A couple other rescue organizations … [Read more...] about Blind Cat is Attempted to Be Rescued, But The Cat Has Other Ideas