In a remarkable twist of fate, a man searching for his missing chickens stumbled upon an extraordinary discovery—an ancient city that had been lost to time, once thriving with a population of around 20,000 inhabitants. Picture the scene: a Turkish man notices his chickens mysteriously vanishing one by one. Determined to solve the mystery, he investigates the basement of his … [Read more...] about Man’s Quest for Missing Chickens Uncovers Ancient Underground City Once Inhabited by 20,000 People”
Captivating Aerial Photograph Reveals the Reality of a Unique Town on the Outskirts of Mexico City
In a world where the boundaries between fantasy and reality are increasingly blurred, distinguishing fact from fiction can be a challenging endeavor. However, in a captivating photograph captured by Oscar Ruiz, the line becomes unmistakably clear. Offering an aerial perspective of a housing development on the outskirts of Mexico City, this image presents a breathtaking glimpse … [Read more...] about Captivating Aerial Photograph Reveals the Reality of a Unique Town on the Outskirts of Mexico City
16 Maps Of Tokyo That’ll Make Your City Seem Insignificant
There are megacities, and then there's Tokyo. 1. This is Tokyo. 2. Tokyo is MASSIVE. With 37.8 million people according to the UN, Greater Tokyo is Earth's most populated metropolitan area. 3. Here's Tokyo compared to New York (both at 10km scale). 4. Tokyo compared to London. 5. Tokyo and Sydney. 6. And Tokyo … [Read more...] about 16 Maps Of Tokyo That’ll Make Your City Seem Insignificant
Unraveling the Mystery of the Eye of the Sahara: A Potential Lost City of Atlantis?
The Richat Structure, located in the Sahara desert, is a geological formation that has long captured the imagination of scientists, archaeologists, and conspiracy theorists alike. This massive, circular feature measures approximately 50 kilometers (31 miles) in diameter and is visible from space. One of the most popular theories about the Richat Structure is that it may … [Read more...] about Unraveling the Mystery of the Eye of the Sahara: A Potential Lost City of Atlantis?
A Man Broke Down A Wall In His Home To Discover An Underground City That Once Had 20,000 People Living There
A man once found an enormous underground city in his basement while searching for the reason his chickens kept disappearing. In the town of Derinkuyu, Turkey a man was renovating his house in 1963 when he noticed that a lot of his chickens were going missing. During the remodel he noticed that a small crevasse had formed in his basement and his chickens were disappearing … [Read more...] about A Man Broke Down A Wall In His Home To Discover An Underground City That Once Had 20,000 People Living There