The devastating Northern California wildfires of 2018 forced many residents to make swift and difficult decisions. Amidst the chaos, one woman demonstrated remarkable ingenuity in safeguarding her prized possessions: her fine china. Faced with the imminent threat of encroaching flames, she made the unconventional choice to submerge five complete sets of her delicate dishes … [Read more...] about China in the Deep: A Woman’s Ingenious Fire Escape Plan
disaster preparedness
Man Builds Underground Survival Bunker That Can Withstand The End Of The World
In a world that can often seem uncertain, one man has taken preparation to the extreme. Larry Hall, a former government contractor, has created the 'Survival Condo' - an underground bunker capable of withstanding the end of the world. With its 15 floors of luxury living quarters, entertainment facilities, food stores, medical bay, and more, the Survival Condo is the ultimate in … [Read more...] about Man Builds Underground Survival Bunker That Can Withstand The End Of The World