In a groundbreaking archaeological find, a monumental eight-meter statue believed to depict Pharaoh Ramses II has been unearthed in the bustling Cairo slums. This extraordinary discovery sheds new light on the enigmatic reign of one of ancient Egypt's most celebrated rulers and offers a glimpse into the grandeur of his temple complex. The Discovery The statue, … [Read more...] about Ancient Egyptian Marvel: 8-Meter Ramses II Statue Unearthed in Cairo Slums
An Incredible Before and After Excavation of an Ancient Greek Stadium
Magnesia: 'City of races' home to best-preserved stadium in Anatolia The first excavations in Magnesia were conducted between 1891 and 1893 by a German archaeological team led by Carl Humann. The work lasted 21 months and partially revealed the theater, the Artemis temple, the agora, the Zeus temple and the prytaneion (a place where government officials would … [Read more...] about An Incredible Before and After Excavation of an Ancient Greek Stadium