The story of Homo floresiensis, also known as the "hobbit" species, is a fascinating tale of a small group of ancient humans who lived on the remote island of Flores in Indonesia around 50,000 years ago. These diminutive humans, who grew no larger than a modern 3-year-old child, coexisted with our own species, Homo sapiens, and yet their story remained hidden from us until … [Read more...] about The Fascinating Story of Homo Floresiensis: The Tiny Humans of Indonesia
The Amazing Vision of Birds: How They See the World Compared to Humans
Birds are truly amazing creatures. They are unique in many ways, including their vision. While humans have a limited range of colors that we can see, birds have an expanded range that allows them to see a whole spectrum of colors that are invisible to us. This ability is due to the fact that birds are tetrachromats, meaning they have four color receptors in their eyes, as … [Read more...] about The Amazing Vision of Birds: How They See the World Compared to Humans
A Squid with Teeth Similar to Humans
Promachoteuthis sulcus is a rare, strange-looking squid, best known for its human-like teeth. The species was discovered in 2007 when a single, small distinctive individual was caught in the south Atlantic Ocean. Does it have teeth? Is this real or a hoax? You are probably thinking that the creature depicted in the picture is not real. Someone with a little knowledge … [Read more...] about A Squid with Teeth Similar to Humans
Adorable Humpback Dolphin Brings Gifts For Humans From Bottom Of The Ocean
A humpback dolphin has developed an adorable habit of bringing visitors treasures from the bottom of the ocean. Mystique, a 29-year-old male dolphin, has become a firm favourite at the Barnacles Café and Dolphin Feeding centre on Queensland's Cooloola Coast. Eager visitors flock to see Mystique's impressive collection of gifts retrieved from under the sea, … [Read more...] about Adorable Humpback Dolphin Brings Gifts For Humans From Bottom Of The Ocean
93-Year-Old Butterfly Is The First US Insect To Go Extinct Because Of Humans
Last seen around 80 years ago, the Xerces blue butterfly has been presumed extinct ever since. Its extinction has been considered the first in an American insect species to have been directly caused by humans. But questions have always persisted as to whether it was ever actually its own species to begin with and whether it did in fact go extinct all those years ago. Now, new … [Read more...] about 93-Year-Old Butterfly Is The First US Insect To Go Extinct Because Of Humans