In a groundbreaking discovery, researchers using jungle-piercing lasers have unveiled the remnants of a 2,500-year-old metropolis in the Amazon, marking the earliest and largest example of urbanism ever documented in the region. Located in the Upano Valley of Ecuador, this sprawling network of long-lost settlements challenges preconceived notions about the historical … [Read more...] about 2,500-Year-Old Long-Lost Metropolis Found In The Amazon Jungle
Tokyo: The Mega Metropolis Teeming with Life
Tokyo, the vibrant capital of Japan, stands as a testament to human achievement and the sheer scale of urban living. As the largest and most populated city on Earth, Tokyo's sheer magnitude is awe-inspiring. The latest estimates reveal that more than 37 million people call this metropolis their home, a staggering figure that showcases the city's unmatched energy and … [Read more...] about Tokyo: The Mega Metropolis Teeming with Life