In a groundbreaking expedition to the Challenger Deep, the deepest point on Earth, renowned scientist Dawn Wright made a startling discovery: a discarded beer bottle. This shocking find, miles beneath the ocean's surface, serves as a stark reminder of humanity's devastating impact on the planet and the urgent need for environmental action. The Depths of Pollution: The … [Read more...] about Scientist makes startling discovery at Earth’s deepest point: ‘What a disgusting and embarrassing display’
Ocean Conservation
Man Buys Turtles From Food Market And Releases Them Back To The Sea
In a heartwarming act of compassion, two sea turtles narrowly escaped becoming a meal in Papua New Guinea. Arron Culling and his colleague Mark intercepted their fate at a local food market, purchasing the turtles and swiftly transporting them back to the ocean. Culling shared their rescue mission on Facebook, recounting, "Found these at the local market. Got them for 50 … [Read more...] about Man Buys Turtles From Food Market And Releases Them Back To The Sea
Whales Have Arm, Wrist, and Finger Bones in Their Front Fins
When we think of whales, we often imagine them as these huge, majestic creatures swimming through the oceans with their long, sleek bodies and powerful tails. However, what most people don't know is that whales actually have arm, wrist, and finger bones in their front fins. This fact may come as a surprise to many, but it's true. Whales are mammals, which means they are … [Read more...] about Whales Have Arm, Wrist, and Finger Bones in Their Front Fins
The Intriguing Choriaster: A Stunning Sea Star That Poses No Threat to Humans
Sea stars, also known as starfish, are fascinating creatures found in the world's oceans. One particular type of sea star, the Choriaster, has been gaining attention for its unique appearance. With its plump, cushion-like body and arms that taper into thin points, the Choriaster is a sight to behold. Thankfully, the Choriaster is also harmless to humans. While some species … [Read more...] about The Intriguing Choriaster: A Stunning Sea Star That Poses No Threat to Humans
Amazing discovery near the beach!
A young man went for a walk on the beach in a more remote location. At one time, the young man came across a curious thing that was as hard as a shell. The young man took him home to investigate the artefact he had discovered in order to learn more about it. When he came home, the young man grabbed a pair of scissors and began cutting and pressing the object. Something … [Read more...] about Amazing discovery near the beach!