A heartbreaking update to a recent story: Tater Tot, the rescued kitten whose story inspired people around the world, has died. Tater Tot was first rescued in June. Born with malformed legs and a cleft palate, the kitten was in desperate need of help. The nonprofit Kitty CrusAIDe cared for him and co-founder Ash Houghton took him in as a foster. View this post on … [Read more...] about Tater Tot, rescue kitten with malformed paws who inspired internet, has died — rest in peace
A Puppy Born With Unusual Upside-Down Paws Suffers Heart Arrest and Dies During Surgery
Mila the pug puppy captured our hearts the moment Oliver and Friends Farm Rescue and Sanctuary in Oklahoma announced they will do all necessary to give the 7-week-old dog the best life possible. Unfortunately, the animal sanctuary revealed devastating news on Monday. Mila suffered a heart attack while undergoing potentially life-changing surgery. "I have no idea how to … [Read more...] about A Puppy Born With Unusual Upside-Down Paws Suffers Heart Arrest and Dies During Surgery