Heartbreaking Story of Loyalty and Second Chances In a shocking display of cruelty, a family abandoned their beloved pit bull, Boo, along with their trash on their front lawn. The heartless act left the gentle dog alone, heartbroken, and hungry. Fortunately, a compassionate neighbor stepped in to save Boo from the harsh reality. The neighbor, moved by Boo's plight, … [Read more...] about Dog quietly waits on mattress after owners abandon him along with their trash
pit bull
Pit bull found dragging the baby across the floor by her diaper – seconds later everyone is hailing her a hero
Having a dog around a small helpless baby is a situation that can cause concern for some people, especially when it comes to certain dog breeds with a reputation for being “aggressive”. Probably top of this category is pit bull dogs as they are often viewed as unpredictable and sometimes dangerous. But one California mom has her pet pit bull to thank for saving her and … [Read more...] about Pit bull found dragging the baby across the floor by her diaper – seconds later everyone is hailing her a hero
Pitbull without a leash rushes towards screaming child, then owner discovers horrible reason why
Pit bulls are most likely one of the most misunderstood dog breeds in the world. Their reputation has not done them many favors. People associate the pit bull with violence and hostility but like all dog breeds, it all boils down to how the dog is raised and treated by its owner. Just like with children, dogs rely on good parenting. Pit bulls might be bigger than … [Read more...] about Pitbull without a leash rushes towards screaming child, then owner discovers horrible reason why