Deep within the verdant expanse of Oregon, a unique sight emerges each autumn – a colossal smiley face carved into the landscape, its formation as unexpected as it is captivating. The mastermind behind this arboreal masterpiece is landowner David Hampton, who transformed a Douglas fir forest into a haven of joy using larch pines. Hampton's inspiration for this ambitious … [Read more...] about A Smiley Face in the Forest: A Peculiar Tree Planting Project
Nature’s furious smile: Kilauea volcano in Hawaii forms mysterious smiley face in molten lava
If you are looking for a breathtaking experience of nature's fury, volcanic eruptions can be an awe-inspiring sight. But what if the volcano was sporting a beaming smile while spewing fiery lava? That's exactly what happened at the Kilauea volcano in Hawaii, where a mysterious smiley face appeared during an eruption. The Kilauea volcano is one of the most active volcanoes … [Read more...] about Nature’s furious smile: Kilauea volcano in Hawaii forms mysterious smiley face in molten lava
Calf with Smiley Face Markings Spared from Abattoir and Becomes Lawnmower
A calf born with a smiley face on its tummy has been spared the abattoir and given a new job as a "lawnmower". Megan and Barry Coster breed around 700 calves a year at their stud farm in Ripplebrook, West Gippsland, Australia, but had never seen markings like this before. When farmer Barry Coster was checking on his livestock one day, he noticed the unique black and white … [Read more...] about Calf with Smiley Face Markings Spared from Abattoir and Becomes Lawnmower
Every autumn, a massive smiley face of trees appears in Oregon — here’s how it got there.
A giant smiley face made out of trees can be seen by drivers in Polk County, Oregon The hills have a smile! Fall brings cooler temperatures and the promise of changing leaves across the United States, but in Polk County, Oregon, it also heralds the arrival of a massive smiley face made of trees. According to Oregon Live, the happy symbol can be seen by drivers … [Read more...] about Every autumn, a massive smiley face of trees appears in Oregon — here’s how it got there.