A sheep farmer from Ranst in Antwerp province is being investigated for possible animal abuse, after fitting his two dogs with spiked steel collars (see photo) to protect them against a possible attack by the lone wolf that killed a kangaroo and injured another in the past week. Theo De Cock told Antwerp’s ATV channel he has lost some 30 sheep in the past year to … [Read more...] about Sheep farmer fits dogs with spiked collars to protect against wolf
No charges in killing of gray wolf in southern Michigan. Experts stumped about how it got there.
Wildlife experts have reached an impasse in their investigation into how a gray wolf managed to travel to southern Michigan for the first time in over a century. The wolf, killed in January by a hunter who claimed to have mistaken it for a coyote, has left experts perplexed. While gray wolves are commonly found in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, with an estimated population … [Read more...] about No charges in killing of gray wolf in southern Michigan. Experts stumped about how it got there.
A Husky and a Wolf: Lookalikes, But Not Quite
A husky next to a wolf. This side-by-side comparison can be striking. Both boast thick fur, erect ears, and piercing eyes, conjuring images of wild freedom. However, beneath this surface resemblance lies a surprising truth: Although wolf-like in appearance, huskies are no more closely related to wolves than poodles and bulldogs are. And the size says it all. While wolves … [Read more...] about A Husky and a Wolf: Lookalikes, But Not Quite
Giant wolf sits down next to this woman, now watch the moment when their eyes meet
Wolves have a reputation for being aggressive and fierce creatures, and many people, including me, would be downright frightened to actually meet one face to face. The large grey wolf seen walking alongside Danielle in the beginning is named Kekoa, which in Hawaiian means “brave one.” Kekoa isn’t quite like other wolves, and she certainly doesn’t match the … [Read more...] about Giant wolf sits down next to this woman, now watch the moment when their eyes meet
World’s First Cloned Arctic Wolf Is Now 100 Days Old
The cloning of animals has always been a topic of fascination for humans. From Dolly the sheep to the latest cloned arctic wolf, the process of creating a genetically identical copy of a living being has captured the imagination of scientists and the public alike. Recently, a team of South Korean scientists announced that they had successfully cloned an endangered arctic … [Read more...] about World’s First Cloned Arctic Wolf Is Now 100 Days Old