Raku Inoue, a Montreal-based artist, emphasizes natural connections in his striking creations. He arranges leaves, petals, and twigs into the shapes of various creatures, ranging from scarlet birds to rainbow fish, using common materials.
Inoue studied drawing, painting, graphic design, and sculpting before creating these plant-based compositions. “Nature has always been a major source of inspiration for me, and it sent me a sign one dreary day,” he tells My Modern Met. “The wind was rustling the petals on my rose shrub in my garden, so I went outside and foraged the petals, as well as a few stems and leaves.” I utilized those to create my first floral bug sculpture, which sparked my floral masterpieces that I am renowned for today.”
When creating personal art, Inoue allows the surroundings to dictate what he does next. As a result, the color pallet of his arrangements will change with the seasons. In the fall, for example, his work incorporates warm crimson leaves, and in the spring, the creatures are composed of blooms and green greenery. “Usually, I’ll locate a certain item that interests me, such as leaves or a twig,” he explains. “Following that, I came up with a topic that would make good use of the materials.” In all situations, I prefer to emphasize the beauty of the materials and let nature show through my work.”
Raku Inoue, a Montreal-based artist, produces stunning plant arrangements.
He meticulously arranges individual flower petals and leaves of various hues to form creatures.
Because he works with found materials, the color pallet of his artwork varies with the seasons.
In the fall, he employs warm red leaves in his artwork, and in the spring, he uses blooms and green vegetation to create his creatures.
Raku Inoue: Website | Instagram