“I think he was upset about the whole situation.”
Saying goodbye is never easy, but it’s often the only option.
That doesn’t mean this dog named LeLo has to be thrilled about having to say goodbye to certain items he’d gotten rather (literally) connected to.
LeLo was just taken to ClniCo, a veterinary facility in Brazil. He likely had no notion why he was there or what surgery was about to be carried out. However, this became evident very quickly.
LeLo had been brought in to be neutered, which is a common procedure that benefits both individual dogs and canine populations in general. All of this, though, appears to have come as a surprise to LeLo.
LeLo escaped from his kennel and wrecked the property when no one was watching after waking up from anesthesia and discovering his missing parts.
“I think he was disturbed by the whole circumstance,” LeLo’s vet Jéssica Possari told The Dodo. “[Seeing the shambles he’d produced] was shocking. It seemed incredible that a dog could achieve all of that.”
It was a complete shambles. Possari, on the other hand, doesn’t hold anything against the pup despite having to clean up the mess.
Fortunately, LeLo was not hurt during his rage, and he has now accepted his newly neutered position.
“He is doing really well, and he is free to go about again,” Possari said, adding that they will keep a closer check on him on his next visit: “His demeanor is extremely peaceful and friendly in front of us, but he can be fairly naughty behind our backs.”