When you take on a dog, you take on the responsibility of caring for it and keeping it healthy.
To ignore a dog’s health needs can have devastating consequences as shown in the cruel case of Dobby.
He was malnourished and had lost most of his fur, he no longer looked like a dog.
Staff at the vaccination clinic, where his owner brought him, knew they had to rescue him and couldn’t allow him to go home with the woman who had got him into such a terrible state.
Dobby was taken to a clinic in Florida run by Concerned Citizens For Animal Welfare where his owner admitted it was the first time 5-year-old Dobby had ever been seen by a vet.
She also admitted that she had been using a flea treatment on him made for using on carpets because she didn’t want to spend any money on him.
His body was ‘raw and bloody’
The group persuaded his owner to hand Dobby over so they could nurse him back to health and she agreed.
Sara Harper from the clinic told The Dodo: “We were horrified at his malnourished condition.
“Along with his whole body raw and bloody, his feet were too, and toenails grown so long they curled into his paw pads. I begged her as a rescuer to surrender him, and she agreed immediately.”
‘With love in his eyes’
Sara and her colleagues began nursing him back to health, giving him baths, trimming his nails and running tests on him; all the time Dobby never complained once.
“He sat there with love in his little eyes — like he knew he had finally been saved,” Sara said.
After his initial treatment he was taken to Pawsibilities Rescue where he gradually began to gain weight and his fur started to grow back.
The organization posted a picture of Dobby to let people know he would soon be available for adoption.
Liz Ford had already decided she wanted to adopt a dog called Wylie, after losing her two senior dogs, but after seeing Dobby she decided she was taking two home with her.
“When I went to pick up Wylie, I was sitting on the floor at the rescue worker’s home and Dobby came and curled up in my lap. I pretty much knew then that he would be coming to live with us.”
Four months after she took Wylie home, Liz was able to collect Dobby and now this sweet dog’s future is brighter thanks to all the animal heroes who came to his rescue.
I cannot imagine the pain Dobby must have endured for so long.
He deserves this special treatment and the animal heroes around him who will give him the life he deserves; please share to pay tribute to them.
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