A heart-wrenching tale unfolds as a fragile, hairless black bear cub clings to life. Rescued from the rugged wilderness of California, this tiny creature faces a perilous battle for survival. A Delicate State The cub, discovered in poor condition, is currently under the watchful eye of experts at Gold Country Wildlife Rescue. Its delicate state is a cause for concern, … [Read more...] about Watch as vets treat a hairless, orphaned black bear cub rescued in California
Animal rescue funding
Starving horse Heidi is dumped in mud and left to die – volunteers save her and now she’s winning awards
A shocking discovery at a building site in England led volunteers on an animal rescue they weren’t sure would be a success. A call from a member of the public led volunteers from the British Horse Society to a grim discovery. The building site in East Durham, looked like it had been abandoned with rubbish and debris everywhere and there lying in the mud they … [Read more...] about Starving horse Heidi is dumped in mud and left to die – volunteers save her and now she’s winning awards
A Neglected Cat Was Released After Two Pounds of Matted Fur Was Removed
Cats are frequently thought to be self-sufficient. Most cats spend their days outside alone, only returning home to eat and clean themselves, making them relatively low maintenance. However, some cats have the type of fur that demands grooming, and if you don't keep up with it, it can grow out of hand. In the instance of Hidey, her owner was unable to adequately care for … [Read more...] about A Neglected Cat Was Released After Two Pounds of Matted Fur Was Removed