A heart-wrenching tale unfolds as a fragile, hairless black bear cub clings to life. Rescued from the rugged wilderness of California, this tiny creature faces a perilous battle for survival. A Delicate State The cub, discovered in poor condition, is currently under the watchful eye of experts at Gold Country Wildlife Rescue. Its delicate state is a cause for concern, … [Read more...] about Watch as vets treat a hairless, orphaned black bear cub rescued in California
Animal rescue funding
Starving horse Heidi is dumped in mud and left to die – volunteers save her and now she’s winning awards
A shocking discovery at a building site in England led volunteers on an animal rescue they weren’t sure would be a success. A call from a member of the public led volunteers from the British Horse Society to a grim discovery. The building site in East Durham, looked like it had been abandoned with rubbish and debris everywhere and there lying in the mud they … [Read more...] about Starving horse Heidi is dumped in mud and left to die – volunteers save her and now she’s winning awards