The 2nd century AD satirist Lucian, in his biting wit, preserved the horrifying story of the "Bull of Phalaris," a torture device so cruel it continues to capture our morbid fascination. Also known as "the brass bull of Perilaus," this instrument of suffering supposedly originated in the mind of a sculptor named Perilaus, who lived between 570-560 BC. Perilaus offered his … [Read more...] about The Bull of Phalaris: A Ghastly Tale of Tyranny and Invention
Careless Colorado tourist caught sneaking up on sleeping bull elk, with small child in tow
Estes Park, Colorado, renowned for its breathtaking scenery and as a gateway to Rocky Mountain National Park, witnessed a disturbing incident recently when a tourist was spotted dangerously close to a resting bull elk with her young child in tow. Oblivious to the potential peril, the woman seemed solely focused on capturing a snapshot of the tranquil creature, disregarding the … [Read more...] about Careless Colorado tourist caught sneaking up on sleeping bull elk, with small child in tow
Mom is woken by strange growl from pit bull, rushes into son’s room to witness dog’s actions
Dogs are not only man’s best friend — they can also be man’s life savers. And in the case of this story, a 10-year-old boy’s. Pit bull Ember was a rescue dog and one day, Tracy and Tony Daniels decided to save him and offer him a forever home. Little did they know just how much the sweet dog would pay the favor back one day. Certain dog breeds have less than favorable … [Read more...] about Mom is woken by strange growl from pit bull, rushes into son’s room to witness dog’s actions
Bald pit bull found on the street: When rescuer looks closer at his skin, she cries
When you looked into Oliver’s eyes, all you could see was one thing: The longing to give up. His skin was in terrible condition and he had lost almost all of his fur. Across his body there were deep scores and scratches – that’s what happens when you have insatiable itching and are forced to repeatedly scratch it. When Stephanie found Oliver at a dog shelter, he was … [Read more...] about Bald pit bull found on the street: When rescuer looks closer at his skin, she cries
Caring 2-year-old goes to dog shelter and chooses sick, shy pit bull in need of love
There are so many dogs in shelters, and they all just want one thing: to find their forever homes. But sadly, it can take some longer than others. Whether it’s their breed, age, appearance or health issues, many dogs get constantly passed over by adopters, often in favor of younger, more conventionally cute puppies. But sometimes a compassionate person comes along and … [Read more...] about Caring 2-year-old goes to dog shelter and chooses sick, shy pit bull in need of love