In a heartwarming tale of resilience and compassion, a small dog named Coconut was rescued after spending three months in a Los Angeles shopping center, unnoticed by countless drive-thru customers. His story highlights the power of community and the dedication of animal rescues in helping abandoned pets find their forever homes. A Heartbreaking Discovery at the … [Read more...] about Drive-Thru Customers Ignore Dog Sleeping Under Menu For Months On End
Chubby Squirrel Is Patiently Waiting For His Order At The Burger King Drive-Thru
"Yes. He's a regular" 😂 Jeff Clutch stopped into the Burger King drive-thru the other day to have a bite to eat. But something caught his attention as he waited behind a queue of automobiles to place his order. Clutch told The Dodo, "I observed this really tame squirrel sitting out on the ledge adjacent to the drive-thru window." "However, I didn't think anything of … [Read more...] about Chubby Squirrel Is Patiently Waiting For His Order At The Burger King Drive-Thru