A sheep farmer from Ranst in Antwerp province is being investigated for possible animal abuse, after fitting his two dogs with spiked steel collars (see photo) to protect them against a possible attack by the lone wolf that killed a kangaroo and injured another in the past week. Theo De Cock told Antwerp’s ATV channel he has lost some 30 sheep in the past year to … [Read more...] about Sheep farmer fits dogs with spiked collars to protect against wolf
Farmer is stunned to discover a chicken mothering three orphaned kittens — see the video
Animals are more caring compassionate than we often give them credit for. Sometimes they step up to mother other animals, even if they aren’t their actual offspring — or even the same species! That was what one farmer learned, when he checked his chicken coop and made a surprising discovery… Goran Surchi, a farmer from Iraq, heard meows coming from his chicken coop, and … [Read more...] about Farmer is stunned to discover a chicken mothering three orphaned kittens — see the video
Farmer faces jail for breeding ‘massive mutant sheep’
A Montana farmer finds himself entangled in a legal battle after being accused of breeding colossal mutant sheep and selling them to private hunting reserves for exorbitant sums. Arthur "Jack" Schubarth, an 80-year-old ranch owner from Vaughn, Montana, recently pleaded guilty to charges of wildlife trafficking and conspiracy to traffic wildlife at a court hearing in Great … [Read more...] about Farmer faces jail for breeding ‘massive mutant sheep’
Farmer thinks cow is pregnant – gets shock of his life after first calf appears
Farmers Deb and Chuck Beldo got more than they could ever wish for when one of their cows fell pregnant. The couple owned several acres of land and allowed their animals to roam freely on the farm. The idea was that their cows could mingle with one another stress free, and that, as a result, a calf would arrive. Obviously, Deb and Chuck were expecting to welcome a new baby to … [Read more...] about Farmer thinks cow is pregnant – gets shock of his life after first calf appears
Farmer thinks hen laid eggs, gets closer and discovers she’s protecting something completely different
When I think of a farm, I automatically think of chickens and hens. They may not be the most cuddly animals, because they don’t usually seem interested in socializing, but they have many other good qualities. They lay delicious fresh eggs every day and they eat all the scraps that you otherwise would have thrown away. No matter which farm you visit, there are usually … [Read more...] about Farmer thinks hen laid eggs, gets closer and discovers she’s protecting something completely different