A heartbreaking video has resurfaced online, capturing the tragic moment a tuna fish seemingly died after being startled by a barrage of camera flashes in a Japanese aquarium. The incident, believed to have occurred in 2013, highlights the potential dangers of unregulated photography in animal enclosures and underscores the importance of responsible wildlife viewing … [Read more...] about Huge fish ‘kills itself’ after being startled by camera flash in aquarium
fish behavior
Fish Caught in Net as Loyal Friend Refuses to Leave His Side
In the heart of Thailand's Chaloklum Bay, a heartwarming tale of friendship unfolded beneath the waves. A snorkeler, a volunteer from the marine conservation group Core Sea, stumbled upon a scene that would touch hearts worldwide. A small pufferfish, its body entangled in a fishing net, lay trapped on the ocean floor. But it wasn't alone. A loyal companion, another … [Read more...] about Fish Caught in Net as Loyal Friend Refuses to Leave His Side