In a shocking turn of events, a Montana rancher has found himself behind bars for his audacious attempt to create a hybrid sheep species for the lucrative captive hunting market. Arthur "Jack" Schubarth's six-month prison sentence serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of tampering with nature and violating international wildlife protection laws. Schubarth's crime … [Read more...] about Montana rancher gets 6 months in prison for creating hybrid sheep for captive hunting
genetic engineering
We’re One Step Closer to Seeing a Live Mammoth by 2028
In a groundbreaking development that could redefine the boundaries of science and conservation, Colossal Biosciences has announced a significant milestone in its ambitious project to resurrect the woolly mammoth. The company's recent breakthrough, a world-first achievement, has brought the dream of seeing a live mammoth by 2028 one step closer to reality. A Mammoth … [Read more...] about We’re One Step Closer to Seeing a Live Mammoth by 2028
A ‘De-Extinction’ Company Wants to Bring Back the Dodo after 300 Years And Release Into Wild
The dodo could once again roam the earth after a de-extinction company announced ambitious plans to bring the long-gone bird back to life 300 years after it was wiped out. A de-extinction company has announced plans to bring back the dodo more than 300 years after the creature was wiped out. Colossal Biosciences, who previously vowed to resurrect mammoths and Tasmanian … [Read more...] about A ‘De-Extinction’ Company Wants to Bring Back the Dodo after 300 Years And Release Into Wild