In a groundbreaking discovery, ancient footprints unearthed in White Sands National Park, New Mexico, are challenging the established narrative of human migration to North America. These remarkable imprints, dating back 22,000 to 23,000 years, suggest that humans were present on the continent much earlier than previously believed—by a staggering 7,000 years. The findings, … [Read more...] about 23,000-Year-Old Footprints Suggest That Humans Were Already in North America During the Ice Age
The 25,000-Year-Old “Pyramid” In Indonesia Was Likely Not Made By Humans
Among other bold claims are that there are "hidden cavities or chambers" within it. Last month, an attention-grabbing study published in Archaeological Prospection made waves by proposing that a mountain in Indonesia, named Gunung Padang or the "Mountain of Enlightenment," is the world's oldest pyramid, meticulously crafted by ancient humans between 25,000 and 14,000 years … [Read more...] about The 25,000-Year-Old “Pyramid” In Indonesia Was Likely Not Made By Humans
When Did Humans Stop Being Naked?
The enigma of when humans transitioned from nudity to clothing is a puzzle embedded deep in the annals of human history. Clothing, beyond its functional role in protecting us from the elements, has become a medium for self-expression and a social barrier against the consequences of public indecency. But pinpointing the exact moment when humanity embraced the idea of covering up … [Read more...] about When Did Humans Stop Being Naked?
Crows’ reasoning ability rivals that of seven-year-old humans
In the realm of avian intelligence, New Caledonian crows have once again proven themselves as remarkable thinkers, with reasoning abilities matching those of seven-year-old humans, according to a study conducted by researchers. The study involved subjecting six wild New Caledonian crows to a series of tests specifically designed to challenge their comprehension of causal … [Read more...] about Crows’ reasoning ability rivals that of seven-year-old humans
Koalas and Humans: Fingerprints in Common
Koalas are cute marsupials that are known for their tree-climbing abilities and their furry babies. But did you know that koalas also have fingerprints that are almost identical to human ones? That's right! Not even careful analysis under a microscope can easily distinguish the loopy, whirling ridges on koalas' fingers from our own. This is a remarkable example of convergent … [Read more...] about Koalas and Humans: Fingerprints in Common