Humpback whales have a whale-sized appetite, which should come as no surprise given that they are among of the biggest mammals on the world. In fact, whales consume up to 1,500,000 calories each day to fulfill their energy requirements, which is nearly the same as an adult person would consume in little more than two years. But, as wonderful as that truth is, the way … [Read more...] about Here’s How Hungry Humpback Whales Collaborate To Feed
The incredible sight of humpback whales grazing together
With such a big mouth, you'd assume a humpback whale could consume anything in its path with little to no effort. However, the video below demonstrates that even the world's largest creatures have eating routines. The film, which was released by National Geographic in July 2014, has gained a lot of attention owing to its surprise and remarkable nature. The remarkable … [Read more...] about The incredible sight of humpback whales grazing together
A massive 40-ton humpback whale was captured on video leaping completely out of the water
Humpback whales are the world's biggest creatures. Given their tremendous weight (up to 40 tons), these giant beasts are unlikely to completely leap out of the water. Perhaps that's why this magnificent video of a humpback whale breaching the sea off the coast of South Africa is causing such a stir. Craig Capehart, a scuba diver, recorded the amazing footage off the coast … [Read more...] about A massive 40-ton humpback whale was captured on video leaping completely out of the water