Amidst the serene snow-covered landscape of Big Bear Valley, California, a heartwarming saga unfolds as a devoted bald eagle dad, Shadow, eagerly tends to his nest. Recent developments have left him pleasantly surprised, as captured in a heartening video shared by the nonprofit Friends of Big Bear Valley. The anticipation mounted as Shadow, patiently awaiting his turn to … [Read more...] about Bald eagle dad sees third egg for the first time in CA nest, video shows. ‘So proud’
Poodle rescued from a puppy mill in basement sees sunlight for the first time ever
So many dogs are kept for breeding purposes only; unfortunately, a lot of these dogs are kept in awful conditions, forced to start breeding from a young age and continuously, so are left unloved and exhausted. In one particularly heart-breaking case over 150 animals were found in small cages in a cellar, hungry, exhausted and in the dark. In the video below you can see … [Read more...] about Poodle rescued from a puppy mill in basement sees sunlight for the first time ever
Concerned driver spots abandoned dog house in ditch – peers in and sees horrifying sight
In mid-February, a driver was on the road in California, USA when he suddenly spotted something unusual. A strange, pink-colored object was laying in a ditch on the roadside, writes The Dodo. He decided to stop his car to investigate further. But when he approached the object, he was completely stunned. There, right on the side of the road amidst California’s … [Read more...] about Concerned driver spots abandoned dog house in ditch – peers in and sees horrifying sight
Old dog is found in trash bag – then a woman looks in her eyes and sees the unthinkable
Blackie was suffering and in pain. Her owners had lifted her up, put her in a trash bag, and wrapped tape around her neck to stop the bleeding. Her old body was in rough shape and I can’t imagine what she was thinking in the car for what might have been her last car trip. From nose to tail, Blackie’s whole body hurt. She was crying, her tail was bloody and riddled with … [Read more...] about Old dog is found in trash bag – then a woman looks in her eyes and sees the unthinkable
Pregnant pitbull refuses to give birth – then new foster mom sees heap of babies in her ultrasound
Chris and Mariesa live a rather crazy life. It’s no small wonder really, given that they share their home with a host of adopted dogs. One day, they went to the animal shelter with the idea of taking another dog who had been abandoned, injured or otherwise neglected. On that occasion, they met pregnant pitbull Storie. The couple quickly fell in love with the dog and … [Read more...] about Pregnant pitbull refuses to give birth – then new foster mom sees heap of babies in her ultrasound