This young couple from Greensville, South Carolina, feared they’d lost their dog for good, but after the puppy came home all by himself in an epic fashion, they moved from misery to incredible delight.

Rajah, an 18-month-old dog, was startled when one of his neighbors let off fireworks in the backyard. Mary Lynn and her boyfriend were both in tears at the time, believing they would never see their pet puppy again. The young couple, heartbroken, looked for Rajah all around the neighborhood. They even attempted, but failed, to seek assistance on Facebook. Nonetheless, the naughty puppy returned home a few hours later!
“She was playing with our other dog in the backyard when our neighbor started shooting off fireworks, and I knew she’d be afraid,” Mary Lynn explained. “I walked out to the backyard — and she was nowhere to be seen.”
Mary Lynn and her husband Ryan sprang out of bed at 3 a.m. after hearing the doorbell ring. They had no idea what was going on until they discovered Rajah was the one who had interrupted their slumber. The spectacular event was thankfully captured on video by the doorbell camera.
“I’m not sure how she knew how to do it because I’ve never shown her,” the mother explained. “Ryan stayed up all night waiting for her to appear. He spotted her on the porch and dashed off to get her. We were like, ‘We’re just glad you’re back.’ She felt she was in so much trouble [for missing], but we were like, ‘We’re just glad you’re back.’ We couldn’t stop laughing because it was so funny.”
Take a look at the amusing scenario below:
h.t: MailOnline