The staff at a cemetery in Marshalltown, Iowa, placed a personal ad for a lonely goose named Blossom who had lost her mate, Bud, in August 2022. General manager Dorie Tammen noticed that Blossom’s behavior had changed, and she was spending time near the front office, looking at her reflection in glass windows and on model tombstones.
Tammen’s personal ad for Blossom called for a “life partner for companionship and occasional shenanigans.” It worked like a charm, as Deb and Randy Hoyt, owners of a widower goose named Frankie, responded to the ad.
Just like Blossom, Frankie was in need of a mate and was eager to meet her. The Hoyts and Tammen arranged a Valentine’s Day blind date for the birds, which turned out to be a match made in heaven. Blossom welcomed Frankie with open wings, and the two are now inseparable.
According to Tammen, Blossom and Frankie spend all their time together at the cemetery, enjoying dips in the lake and taking walks side by side. The heartwarming love story between these two geese is a reminder of the power of companionship and the lengths that people will go to help others, even when those “others” happen to be geese.
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