The unfortunate incident unfolded on Highway 40, just to the west of the Berthoud Pass summit, a renowned mountain pass nestled in the heart of the state. The episode transpired around 3 p.m. on Tuesday, as detailed in a bulletin by the Grand County Sheriff’s Office. Eyewitnesses recounted their futile efforts to revive the 21-year-old skier, who was described as … [Read more...] about Colorado skier dies attempting to jump highway in ‘high risk’ stunt, authorities say
Florida Man Arrested After Attempting To “Run To London” Across The Atlantic Ocean
In a bizarre and audacious endeavor, a Florida man's recent attempt to "run to London" using a unique floatation device resembling a giant hamster wheel has landed him in hot water with the authorities. Reza Baluchi, a 44-year-old resident of Florida, made headlines when he embarked on a remarkable journey across the Atlantic Ocean within a homemade vessel that closely … [Read more...] about Florida Man Arrested After Attempting To “Run To London” Across The Atlantic Ocean
A Heartbreaking Video Shows A Mother Elephant Desperately Attempting To Resuscitate Her Newborn Calf
The calf’s mother and grandmother tried everything they could to revive the newborn elephant in an enclosure at the Zurich Zoo The Zurich Zoo in Switzerland recently uploaded a heartbreaking video showing an elephant and her mother desperately attempting to revive a newborn calf inside their enclosure. Farha, Zurich Zoo’s 17-year-old Asian elephant, gave birth to a male … [Read more...] about A Heartbreaking Video Shows A Mother Elephant Desperately Attempting To Resuscitate Her Newborn Calf
Giant 30-Foot Wild Snakes Die While Attempting to Flee Indonesian Forest Fires
While battling blazing forest fires in Indonesia, locals have found the carcasses of enormous snakes. According to The Washington Post, forest fires have been destroying certain parts of Indonesia since July. The fire's dense smoky atmosphere caused widespread suffering, but animals in the forest suffered significantly as well. According to Mothership, those battling the … [Read more...] about Giant 30-Foot Wild Snakes Die While Attempting to Flee Indonesian Forest Fires