In a remarkable twist of fate, the purportedly "extinct" giant Galapagos tortoise, belonging to the Chelonoidis phantasticus species, has defied scientific expectations. Discovered on Fernandina Island, the tortoise named Fernanda has astonished researchers and doubled the known members of the species from one to two. The surprising find has sparked intrigue and raised numerous … [Read more...] about “Extinct” Giant Galapagos Tortoise Found Chilling Alone On Remote Volcanic Island
“Extinct” Giant Galapagos Tortoise Discovered Chilling Alone On Remote Volcanic Island
Chelonoidis phantasticus, the sole known member of the enormous Galapagos tortoise species, was discovered 113 years apart. A lone male was discovered wandering about Fernandina Island in 1906, but that was the last scientists saw of the species until 2019 when researchers discovered a second lone ranger: a 50-year-old female dubbed Fernanda, who appeared to be queen of her own … [Read more...] about “Extinct” Giant Galapagos Tortoise Discovered Chilling Alone On Remote Volcanic Island