In a heartwarming act of compassion, two sea turtles narrowly escaped becoming a meal in Papua New Guinea. Arron Culling and his colleague Mark intercepted their fate at a local food market, purchasing the turtles and swiftly transporting them back to the ocean. Culling shared their rescue mission on Facebook, recounting, "Found these at the local market. Got them for 50 … [Read more...] about Man Buys Turtles From Food Market And Releases Them Back To The Sea
Breathtaking shot of a rare white lion named Moya at Glen Garriff Conservation lion sanctuary in South Africa
The wildlife and humanitarian photographer, Simon Needham, has been capturing incredible shots of lions to show their beauty and imposing presence. By photographing white lions, he wanted to raise awareness about this endangered species and help support a worthy cause. Accounted as being technically extinct in the wild between 1992 and 2004 due to uncontrolled trading and … [Read more...] about Breathtaking shot of a rare white lion named Moya at Glen Garriff Conservation lion sanctuary in South Africa
Last male of his kind: The rhino that became a conservation icon
On 24 January 2024, Riley Farrell, a Features correspondent, shared an insightful article chronicling the journey of Sudan, the last male northern white rhino, who passed away in 2018. Sudan's story is one of tragedy, hope, and the enduring battle against poaching that plagues endangered species. Sudan's significance transcended his individual existence; he became a symbol … [Read more...] about Last male of his kind: The rhino that became a conservation icon
Hunter Kills First Gray Wolf Seen In Lower Peninsula Of Michigan For 100 Years
In a shocking turn of events, a century-old mystery has been unveiled in Michigan. A hunter, mistaking it for a coyote, has accidentally killed the first gray wolf seen in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan in over a century. This tragic incident has sent shockwaves through the conservation community and raised questions about the future of wolf populations in the state. The … [Read more...] about Hunter Kills First Gray Wolf Seen In Lower Peninsula Of Michigan For 100 Years
We’re One Step Closer to Seeing a Live Mammoth by 2028
In a groundbreaking development that could redefine the boundaries of science and conservation, Colossal Biosciences has announced a significant milestone in its ambitious project to resurrect the woolly mammoth. The company's recent breakthrough, a world-first achievement, has brought the dream of seeing a live mammoth by 2028 one step closer to reality. A Mammoth … [Read more...] about We’re One Step Closer to Seeing a Live Mammoth by 2028