In 2018, two enigmatic 'crop circles' emerged in Japan's Miyazaki Prefecture, capturing the attention of conspiracy theorists eager to attribute them to extraterrestrial activities. However, much to the disappointment of UFO enthusiasts, the remarkable geometric designs were not the result of alien landings but rather a scientific experiment that spanned nearly five … [Read more...] about Japanese Experiment Leads to Stunning Tree ‘Crop Circles’ After Half a Century
Flamingo Crop Milk: The Secretive Nutrient-Rich Substance Behind the Pink Plumage
Flamingos are a majestic bird species known for their distinctive pink plumage and graceful movements. They are also known for their unique feeding habits, which involve the secretion of a substance known as crop milk. While some people might mistake this secretion for blood or assume that flamingos are engaged in aggressive behavior when they regurgitate this substance, the … [Read more...] about Flamingo Crop Milk: The Secretive Nutrient-Rich Substance Behind the Pink Plumage