The enchanting world of cetaceans and pinnipeds holds an intriguing secret beneath their water-adapted flippers—bones that bear an uncanny resemblance to the human hand, complete with a thumb. The seemingly mystical connection between these aquatic giants and our own anatomy raises an important question: Why do whale fins, those marvelous flippers that carry them through the … [Read more...] about Decoding the Whales’ Five-Fingered Flippers: An Evolutionary Journey
On a Japanese Island, Dozens of Turtles Had Been Stabbed in The Neck and Flippers
Several of the turtles had stab wounds on their necks and a number had slash marks on their flippers. A remote Japanese island has seen the death of dozens of sea turtles, many of which had been stabbed in the neck. According to Japanese media, the grisly scene may have been the result of fishermen who tried to free the trapped animals from their nets but ultimately decided … [Read more...] about On a Japanese Island, Dozens of Turtles Had Been Stabbed in The Neck and Flippers