In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists have uncovered a remarkably preserved baby mammoth, estimated to be 50,000 years old, in the permafrost of eastern Siberia. This find, hailed as a "unique research treasure," has astonished researchers with its exceptional condition and promises to unveil critical insights into the Ice Age era. Meet "Yana": The Best-Preserved Baby … [Read more...] about Discovery of 50,000-year-old baby mammoth is a big boon to researchers
ice age
Unicorns Lived Among Humans, Died Due To Climate Change: Australian Researchers
New research suggests that the mythical-sounding Siberian unicorn, a massive, horned rhinoceros, went extinct due to climate change, not human interference. Scientists from Australia and around the world have made a groundbreaking discovery that challenges previous theories about the extinction of the Siberian unicorn. Their research, published in Nature Ecology and … [Read more...] about Unicorns Lived Among Humans, Died Due To Climate Change: Australian Researchers