Step into the whimsical world of the 1950s, where British illustrator Ronald Lampitt envisioned an ideal city that seamlessly amalgamated the best features from renowned global metropolises. In 1951, Lampitt crafted a mesmerizing map for the Illustrated Magazine, breathing life into a city born from the imagination of prolific British journalist and writer John Sleigh Pudney … [Read more...] about What the Ideal City Would Have Looked Like in the 50s
A Determined Cockatoo Carefully Removes The Anti-Bird Spike Strips That Line its Ideal Perch
In the Katoomba Blue Mountains of New South Wales, Australia, at the Town Centre Arcade, a tourist shot some amazing video of a very determined cockatoo who stayed busy by removing anti-bird spike strips off a building's facade to make room for a suitable perch. The strips fell to the ground with a pleasant clank as the determined bird methodically released the strips from its … [Read more...] about A Determined Cockatoo Carefully Removes The Anti-Bird Spike Strips That Line its Ideal Perch