Meet "Narwhal the Little Magical Furry Unicorn," a ridiculously adorable rescue puppy with a tail growing on its forehead. Before you ask, no, it doesn't wag when he's happy. Mac's Mission, a licensed dog rescue center in Missouri, uploaded a photo of the puppy with the caption, "Just rescued beside an older dog." Under the motto "we specialize in special," the … [Read more...] about The Tail Of An Abandoned Rescue “Unicorn” Puppy Is On His Forehead
internet sensation
Meet Barry the Canary, the Bird with a Bowl Feather
Meet Barry: The Gloster Canary with the Coolest Bowl Cut and a Beautiful Birds’ Song In the world of cute pets and quirky animals, there’s one bird that’s captured the hearts of bird lovers everywhere — meet Barry, the Gloster Canary with a perfectly executed bowl cut! His signature hairstyle is so iconic that it has earned him the title of "the bird with the fringe" on … [Read more...] about Meet Barry the Canary, the Bird with a Bowl Feather
People are Having Difficulty Believing that This Animal is Real
Have you come across a photo of an incredibly cute, round, and squishy creature that looks almost too good to be true? If so, you're not alone! This adorable amphibian has been making waves online, leaving many people wondering if it's a real animal or just a clever creation. The Viral Sensation With its smooth, round body and expressive little face, this tiny frog has … [Read more...] about People are Having Difficulty Believing that This Animal is Real