Alwyn Wills is renowned for his YouTube channel, “A Chick Called Albert,” where he shares videos showcasing various birds and their lives, from egg to full-fledged beauty. Animal lovers worldwide appreciate his films, but one video, in particular, has captured special attention. While browsing in a pet store, Alwyn noticed a lone mini egg in one of the cages. There was … [Read more...] about Abandoned mini egg found by animal lover, now hatched and grown into a beauty
Animal lover saves sick little kitten – when he grows up she can’t believe her eyes
When animals give birth to a large litter, there’s often one infant that is much smaller and weaker than the others. It happens with dogs, cats, birds and many other animals. In the wild, nature often has it’s way with these poor little ones. They get less food than their siblings and it’s normal for the runt of the litter to not survive. But when it comes to domestic pets, … [Read more...] about Animal lover saves sick little kitten – when he grows up she can’t believe her eyes
Charlie the dog is left to die – but regains his strength when an animal lover does the right thing
Sometimes it seems like there are no limits to the cruelty some animals are forced to endure. Even the most devoted heroes in animal hospitals are shocked when they see some animals’ injuries. Charlie the dog’s former owner neglected him and left him to die. Eventually the poor animal was found trapped in a pile of trash with a plastic cable tied around him. He was close … [Read more...] about Charlie the dog is left to die – but regains his strength when an animal lover does the right thing
Animal lover wins $4 million from lottery scratch-off — and donates to local shelter
What would you do if you won the lottery? Many of us have big dreams of what we would spend it on, like a new house or a car. But when one animal-loving Massachusetts man won millions on a scratch-off, one of his first actions was to give back to pets in need. Paul Riley, from Peabody, Massachusetts, purchased a Massachusetts State Lottery “100X Cash” instant ticket game … [Read more...] about Animal lover wins $4 million from lottery scratch-off — and donates to local shelter