In the heart of Thailand's Chaloklum Bay, a heartwarming tale of friendship unfolded beneath the waves. A snorkeler, a volunteer from the marine conservation group Core Sea, stumbled upon a scene that would touch hearts worldwide. A small pufferfish, its body entangled in a fishing net, lay trapped on the ocean floor. But it wasn't alone. A loyal companion, another … [Read more...] about Fish Caught in Net as Loyal Friend Refuses to Leave His Side
marine life
‘Horrifyingly goofy’ creature washes onto Southern California beach
A sea creature straight out of a nightmare washed up onto the shore of a Southern California beach recently. Its appearance was so ghastly that the images of it posted to Reddit were marked not safe for work. The original poster shared they discovered the dead marine animal near Dana Point, California, and it was that detail along with the clear photos that helped … [Read more...] about ‘Horrifyingly goofy’ creature washes onto Southern California beach
All White, Mate! Rare Humpback Whale Spotted Off Australian Shores
In a breathtaking encounter that has captivated nature enthusiasts worldwide, a rare white humpback whale has been spotted off the Australian coast. The elusive creature, believed to be the only all-white humpback whale in the world, was observed by lucky whale watchers near Innisfail, Queensland. The Encounter Jenny Dean, a clinical nurse and midwife, was on a … [Read more...] about All White, Mate! Rare Humpback Whale Spotted Off Australian Shores
Tasmanian Giant Crab: A Clawed Colossus of the Deep Seas
Beneath the icy waters of Tasmania, a colossal crustacean lurks, its presence a testament to the ocean's enduring power. The Tasmanian Giant Crab, a species that defies expectations, is a true marvel of nature. With its massive, pincer-like claws capable of reaching lengths of up to 40 centimeters (16 inches), this creature is a force to be reckoned with. These formidable … [Read more...] about Tasmanian Giant Crab: A Clawed Colossus of the Deep Seas
Man Buys Turtles From Food Market And Releases Them Back To The Sea
In a heartwarming act of compassion, two sea turtles narrowly escaped becoming a meal in Papua New Guinea. Arron Culling and his colleague Mark intercepted their fate at a local food market, purchasing the turtles and swiftly transporting them back to the ocean. Culling shared their rescue mission on Facebook, recounting, "Found these at the local market. Got them for 50 … [Read more...] about Man Buys Turtles From Food Market And Releases Them Back To The Sea