In the heart of the holiday season, a heartwarming tale of compassion and selflessness unfolded when registered nurse Jennifer Smith received a distressing call from one of her favorite patients, John Burley. The call came early in the morning, just days after Thanksgiving, and John was in a state of despair over his beloved companion, Boomer. "Boomer is in the pound!" John … [Read more...] about Nurse’s Compassion Extends Beyond the Hospital: Rescues Patient’s Dog from Shelter
The Prickly Patients: Inside the World of X-Raying Hedgehogs at Veterinary Clinics
Believe it or not, thousands of hedgehogs come through the doors of veterinary clinics every year, and around two thirds of them will require an X-ray. These small, prickly creatures are a popular choice of pet for many animal lovers, but their unique physiology and natural instincts make them particularly prone to injury and illness. X-rays are an important diagnostic tool in … [Read more...] about The Prickly Patients: Inside the World of X-Raying Hedgehogs at Veterinary Clinics