A groundbreaking scientific discovery has revealed a staggering secret: the Greenland shark, a creature of the deep, may be the longest-living vertebrate on Earth. Recent research suggests that these enigmatic creatures could be up to 500 years old! A Lifespan Beyond Imagination Using radiocarbon dating techniques, scientists have estimated the ages of Greenland sharks, … [Read more...] about Greenland Shark That Could Be 500 Years Old Discovered by Scientists
Research Shows That Backyard Hens’ Eggs Often Contain 40 Times More Lead than Store-Bought Eggs
So how do you know whether this is a likely problem in the eggs you’re getting from backyard hens? More than 400,000 Australians who raise backyard chickens will attest to the superiority of fresh eggs from their own hens. Unfortunately, their eggs are frequently distinguished from those sold in stores by factors other than only freshness and flavor. Our recently released … [Read more...] about Research Shows That Backyard Hens’ Eggs Often Contain 40 Times More Lead than Store-Bought Eggs
The Virginia Research Facility’s 4,000 Rescued Beagles Will Be Available For Adoption
4,000 beagles have been rescued following a seven-month probe into a research facility in Virginia. The goal now is to transport every dog to a shelter throughout America, care for them, and find them a home where they will be secure and loved. Beagles were being bred at Envigo RMS in Cumberland, Virginia, for use in pharmaceutical research and testing, and they were being … [Read more...] about The Virginia Research Facility’s 4,000 Rescued Beagles Will Be Available For Adoption
Cats May Be Able to Learn Each Other’s Names by Listening to Us, According to Research
Pet owners would find it difficult to think that their animal companions don't comprehend when they speak to them. After all, the tiniest head tilts and responses to speech tones suffice as evidence that animals understand their human counterparts. But cats can be cryptic. Do they pay attention? Well, a recent research has given some support to what many cat owners already know … [Read more...] about Cats May Be Able to Learn Each Other’s Names by Listening to Us, According to Research
Climate Research Says That The World’s Seas are at Their Most Acidic Level in 26,000 Years
The world's waters reached their warmest and most acidic levels on record last year, according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), as UN authorities warned that the war in Ukraine threatened global climate commitments. The oceans saw the most dramatic extremes as the World Meteorological Organization outlined a range of instability caused by climate change in its … [Read more...] about Climate Research Says That The World’s Seas are at Their Most Acidic Level in 26,000 Years