Cape Town artist Daniel Popper is renowned for his extraordinary sculptures, and his latest creation, "Thrive," is nothing short of captivating. Breaking away from convention, this sculpture stands at an impressive height of almost 30 feet and is made using a staggering 14 tons of glass fiber reinforced concrete. Unlike typical sculptures seen on the streets, "Thrive" stands … [Read more...] about Unveiling “Thrive”: An Extraordinary Sculpture Transcending Boundaries with a Captivating Chest Tunnel
The World’s Largest Bird Sculpture Took Artists 10 Years to Complete
Incredible views of the natural world may be found in Kerala, India, and they are best enjoyed from the Jatayu Earth's Center. The nation's tourism office and the sculptor and film director Rajiv Anchal collaborated to create the nature park, which debuted at the end of 2017. The largest bird sculpture in the world is located at the Jatayu Earth's Center, which has since gained … [Read more...] about The World’s Largest Bird Sculpture Took Artists 10 Years to Complete