Nestled on the volcanic island of Saint Helena, where Napoleon Bonaparte spent his final years, resides a remarkable creature – Jonathan, the oldest living land animal on Earth. Boasting a staggering age of 192 years old, Jonathan's life stretches back to a time before the telephone, lightbulb, or even the postage stamp. This gentle giant, a Seychelles giant tortoise … [Read more...] about Meet Jonathan, the oldest tortoise in the world
This Tree in Mexico Has the Thickest Trunk in the World, Supporting a Crown the Size of Almost Two Tennis Courts
The tree with the largest trunk girth on earth. El Árbol del Tule, located in the town of Santa María del Tule in the Mexican state of Oaxaca, is a magnificent cypress tree with an impressive circumference of over 42 meters (137.8 ft), equating to a diameter of 14.05 m (46.1 ft). The height is more difficult to measure due to the very broad crown, but it is reported to be … [Read more...] about This Tree in Mexico Has the Thickest Trunk in the World, Supporting a Crown the Size of Almost Two Tennis Courts
Intriguing Encounters: A Glimpse into the World of Scott Ellis
Scott Ellis captured these captivating images and shares his story: "As I returned the lawn mower to the shed, I noticed this peculiar creature perched on the Privet. Initially, I mistook it for Cicada albinism, but it appears that newly emerged Cicadas boast a white hue, gradually darkening over time. The bush was littered with empty shells." Raleigh, North Carolina, … [Read more...] about Intriguing Encounters: A Glimpse into the World of Scott Ellis
Road Trip to the Roof of the World: Conquering the Karakoram Highway
The Karakoram Highway, snaking its way through the mighty Karakoram mountain range, is more than just a road. It's a ribbon of asphalt that connects Pakistan to China, reaching a staggering maximum elevation of 4,714 meters (15,466 ft). This engineering marvel is not just the highest paved international highway in the world, it's also often hailed as the Eighth Wonder of the … [Read more...] about Road Trip to the Roof of the World: Conquering the Karakoram Highway
Babylon, Which Ruled The World Three Times In The Past and Now
Babylon, the ancient city that once held dominion over vast empires, stands as a testament to the ebb and flow of human history. Renowned for its legendary status as a mighty empire that ruled the world three times in the past, Babylon's legacy echoes through the annals of time, leaving an indelible mark on the collective consciousness of humanity. In antiquity, Babylon … [Read more...] about Babylon, Which Ruled The World Three Times In The Past and Now