According to researchers, Pythagoras’ Theorem was used to construct Stonehenge by aliens more than two millennia before he was born.
The assertion was made in the recently published book Megalith: Studies in Stone, which was published yesterday in time for the summer solstice. They claimed to have discovered support for this theory by examining the geometrical patterns of the stones that make up Stonehenge.
According to Pythagorean theory, the square of a right-angled triangle’s hypotenuse is equal to the square of its two shorter sides. It was created in the fifth century BCE by the Greek mathematician Pythagoras. However, Stonehenge was constructed more than 2,000 years earlier.
“People often think of our ancestors as rough cavemen but they were also sophisticated astronomers,” John Martineau, a contributor and editor to Megalith, told The Telegraph. “They were applying Pythagorean geometry over 2,000 years before Pythagoras was born.”
The claims made by the researchers are that there is a rectangle of Sarsen stones in the Stonehenge circle (around the central stones) dating back to 2,750 BCE that, when split diagonally, forms a perfect Pythagorean triangle. The eight lines radiating from the rectangle and triangles apparently align with important dates on the Neolithic calendar, such as the solstices and equinoxes.
At this point, it’s probably important to remind out that this is a book rather than a peer-reviewed article, so proceed with caution. Additionally, a few of the eight authors hold peculiar beliefs that giants or extraterrestrials were involved in the building of Stonehenge. Thus, yes.
There are still many unanswered questions regarding Stonehenge, including how the stones were positioned and their original purpose. Was it truly built using sophisticated maths in the background? There is speculation that Woodhenge, which is close to Stonehenge, was also built following Pythagorean principles.
One of the authors, Robin Heath, said, “It’s perceived as hippy-dippy or New Age these days, but in reality it’s a massive omission to the history of science that we don’t see these monuments for what they are.
People mistakenly perceive the Neolithic Stonehenge builders as wailing barbarians, despite the fact that they were well educated.
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