Donald and Daisy are their names ❤️️
When the owners of Ascension Acres went to see their new house for the first time, they observed a pair of ducks swimming in the pond. They believed they were wild ducks and were unconcerned. They chose to buy the property and were quite thrilled about it, and it was only after they’d signed all the documents that they discovered the ducks’ story.
“We didn’t realize they were considered tamed pet ducks until we were celebrating the acquisition of our property at the final closure,” the AA team told The Dodo. “The former owners informed us their names are Donald and Daisy and that they plan to stay after the closing.”
The couple was now the delighted owners of a new home — as well as a gorgeous pair of ducks.
Donald and Daisy were thrilled with their new parents from the outset. They usually run up to greet the couple and were quite anxious to welcome them into their house, despite the fact that they don’t want to be touched.
“From the start, they both seemed very calm with us,” the AA crew claimed.
They wanted Donald and Daisy to have the finest life possible, so they conducted a lot of study to figure out how to make it happen. They needed a strategy to keep the ducks safe and happy over the winter, and they came up with the greatest solution.
“We reside in Indiana, where we have frigid weather, snow, and ice,” explained the AA team. “We care about Donald and Daisy and want them to be safe and happy. We read that providing ducks with cover from the cold winds is preferable, so we decided to construct them a little house.”
The pair promptly went to work on the small house, taking into account a variety of considerations. They intended to ensure that the ducks would be protected from both the cold and wild animals, and that they would be free to enter and exit the shelter at their leisure. Because the ducks spend the majority of their time in the water, even in the winter, they built a ramp to the shelter that leads right into the water.
The gorgeous house was finally completed and handed to Donald and Daisy, but neither of them has been thrilled thus far.
“They haven’t even utilized the duck house once,” the AA team remarked. “They only go inside the fenced run area to consume the food we put in there,” says the narrator. They have not, however, gone inside to relax. Although the pond has frozen over, we have been aerating one end so that they may continue to drink. They spend much of their time swimming in the aerated water beneath our pier, and we believe this is their safe haven and favorite home.”
Despite the fact that Donald and Daisy have yet to use their new home, it is the thought that matters. They’re still getting acquainted to their new parents, but with time, they should be able to trust them enough to cuddle up in their comfortable little house.