Looking for an answer to the question: Are 2357 and 1157 bulbs the same? On this page, we have gathered for you the most accurate and comprehensive information that will fully answer the question: Are 2357 and 1157 bulbs the same?
When replacing the typical taillight bulb, the 1157, 2057 & 2357 are the same dimensions but are a little bit different in performance. The main difference between the 1157 taillight bulb and the 2057 is that the 2057 draws about 30% less current when using the parking lights (and this is somewhat dimmer).
I understand that the 2357 bulb will burn brighter when the brakes are on, as compaired to the old standby 1157 (and that the running light part of both bulbs burns about the same brightness). Sounds good for brighter brake lights. But is there any disadvantage to using them?
The life expectancy of the 2357 bulb is shorter than that of the 1157. The low filaments have the same life expectancy rating at 5000 hours, but the high filament of the 2357 bulb is much shorter than that of the 1157, with the 2357 rated at 400 hours vs. 1200 hours for the 1157.
Running lights are the same brightness between the 1157 and 2357. The brake lights of the 2357 are brighter than the 1157 bulbs as shown in pic below. What cars use 1157 bulbs?
What is the 1154 bulb used for?
The SYLVANIA 1154 Long Life Mini Bulb makes a perfect direct replacement solution for your brake or stop lights. Thse bulbs offer increased longevity, and have been engineered to withstand a sizeable amount of road shock and vibration.
What is the difference between 1057 and 1157 bulbs?
This is for the light bulb savvy. What’s the difference between bulbs 1057 and 1157 or 1056 and 1156? The are all the same size and are bayonet style with 2 pins.
What vehicle does a 1157 bulb fit?
These bulbs are used as tail lights in a wide range of Honda, Toyota/Lexus, Kia, Subaru, Chrysler, and VW vehicles, among many others.
Are 2057 and 1157 bulbs interchangeable?
The main difference between the 1157 taillight bulb and the 2057 is that the 2057 draws about 30% less current when using the running lights. They are interchangeable like you mentioned.
What is the difference between a 1157 and 2357 bulb?
Voltage is the same between the two bulbs, as is amperage on the low filament. The high filament of the 2357 bulb is rated at 2.23 amps vs. 2.10 amps for the 1157, so there’s not a big difference there. … The life expectancy of the 2357 bulb is shorter than that of the 1157.
What voltage is an 1154 bulb?
6V Technical DetailsManufacturerSylvaniaItem model number1154LL.BP2Manufacturer Part Number1154LL.BP2Bulb TypeIncandescent BulbsSpecial FeaturesBase Bay15d, Wattage 16.57, Voltage 6V
Are all 1157 bulbs interchangeable?
Expert Reply: The main difference between the 1157 taillight bulb and the 2057 is that the 2057 draws about 30% less current when using the running lights. They are interchangeable like you mentioned. We have a 1157 # 30-90-157.
Are 1156 and 1157 bulbs interchangeable?
0:011:51Difference between 1157 and 1156 bulb. By:Johnson N. – YouTubeYouTube
How many watts is a 2357 bulb?
Technical DetailsManufacturerSylvaniaManufacturer Part Number2357.BP2Bulb TypeIncandescent BulbsSpecial FeaturesBase Bay15d, Voltage 12V, Wattage 28.54Wattage28.54 watts
Is 1156 and 7506 the same bulb?
Registered. 1156 and 7506 are the same bulb. 7507 is by itself.
Are 1157 and 3157 bulbs the same?
As mentioned by another poster, the 1157 and 3157 both have the same output. Only a 3457 wedge bulb has a higher output at 40/3cp.
What is the difference between 1157 and 1154 bulbs?
The bulb base is a 15mm diameter bayonet fit commonly referred to as the BAY15D type. It is sometimes also known as a 1154 (6 volt) or 1157 (12 volt) fitment. … The two pins are on opposite sides of the base (180° spacing) and one is higher than the other so that the bulb can only be inserted the correct way round.
What does a 1156 bulb fit?
1156 & 1157 Red Tail Light LED Bulbs These bulbs are used as tail lights in a wide range of Honda, Toyota/Lexus, Kia, Subaru, Chrysler, and VW vehicles, among many others.
What base is an 1156 bulb?
Ba15S Base #1156 Miniature Bulb Ba15S Base – 12.8 Volt 2.1 Amp 26.88 Watt S8 Single Contact Bayonet (Ba15S) Base, 32 MSCP C-6 Filament Design. 2.0″ (50.8mm) Maximum Overall Length (M.O.L.), 1.04″ (26.5mm) Maximum Outer Diameter (M.O.D.), 1.25″ (31.75mm) Light Center Length (L.C.L.). 1,200 Average Rated Hours.
Can I use 1157 instead 1156?
Finally, it is worth mentioning the difference between 1156 and 1157 and what you will find is that the 1156 bulb is simply for a single action, which means it is used for a turn signal or an on/off light whereas the 1157 is a dual action bulb and can be used for two functions including brake lights as well as front …
Are all 3157 bulbs the same?
The Krypton gas provides for a slightly brighter, and slightly bluish, light. So yes, you can replace a 3157K with a 3157LL, but no, they’re not identical. Be sure to replace both the right and left sides at the same time (which is a good practice anyway), because the light output will be slightly different.
What is a 1057 bulb?
#7506 is the correct lamp, the #1057 is a “compatable” replacment, but is not correct. Someone used a 1057 to replace a burned out 7506, instead of using a 7506 as specified. The lamps are different, and have a different load current, and brightness. The 7506 is brighter.
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