“She relaxes completely and melts into my body.”
Beanie has never had a person that adores her like Julie Elrod. Until Elrod brought her home, the shy rescue dog had never felt a loving touch.
Through dancing, the two have formed a particular friendship.
“I’ve been dancing with Beanie every day since we rescued her from Rescue Dogs Rock in 2018,” Beanie’s mother, Elrod, told The Dodo. “I interact with her by touch because she is blind and deaf.”
Dancing together enhances their particular relationship, which is especially important given Beanie’s aversion to being touched.
“Previously, when we tried to pet her, she would want to go away from us and be alone,” Elrod explained. “I now do’slow dance therapy’ every day to hold her close and sway back and forth.” I sing to her even if she can’t hear me.”
Beanie looks forward to whirling around the living room with her favorite person after years of dancing together. And so does Elrod.
“She now completely trusts me, and she relaxes and melts into my body when we slow dance,” Elrod stated. “I make time every day to slow dance with my closest friend and soulmate, regardless of what appointments I have or who I am meant to meet.”
Here’s where you can see Beanie and Elrod dance:
@julieelrod1966 I dance with my blind, deaf rescue baby every single day no matter what. I don’t care what meetings I’m late to, I make the time to dance with Beanie ❤️❤️❤️ #dogs #animals #rescue #rescuedogs #cutedogvideos #cutedog #bff #bffs #bestfriendsforever #adoptdontshop #maltese ♬ Both Sides Now – Joni Mitchell
Elrod’s tiny puppy has been with him for four years and does not wag her tail or give kisses.
“She demonstrates her affection for me in a variety of ways,” Elrod explained. “And she’s in my arms about 24 hours a day.” She follows me wherever I go.”
Beanie finally found happiness, but Elrod claims Beanie changed her life.
“I wouldn’t exchange being Beanie’s mother for the world,” Elrod remarked. “I adore her completely and infinitely.” Beanie is my soulmate dog, and I thank God for every minute I get to spend with her. No amount of time I spend with her will ever be sufficient.”
this brought me to tears… …..more like sobbing. What a precious love story.