It’s truly shocking how cruel some people can be to dogs. These innocent animals too often endure senseless pain and suffering. But amidst the darkness, stories of resilience and hope shine brightly, proving that even after the most horrific abuse, a new life is possible.
That was the case for Buddy, a dog who was the victim of a horrifying attack in which his face was severely burned and he was strangled with an extension cord. But thankfully, he has since been making a miraculous recovery, thanks to the unwavering dedication of kind vets and animal rescuers.
In April 2021, the Tunica Humane Society reported that Buddy, described as a “happy and carefree dog” who was “never a threat to anyone,” was set on fire. He was found with his face completely scorched and charred black, with an extension cord wrapped tightly around his neck. The details of the attack were deeply disturbing, highlighting the depths of cruelty some are capable of.
According to WTVA, a child later confessed to setting Buddy on fire, but due to their age, prosecution was impossible. This injustice only fueled the determination of those who sought to give Buddy a second chance.
Buddy was placed in the care of the Tunica Humane Society in Mississippi and received critical medical treatment from the Mississippi State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine. In their capable hands, Buddy began a slow but hopeful road to recovery.
“Buddy’s vital signs are good but, as with any burn patient, this is very much the bottom of a tall mountain to be climbed,” said Dr. Elizabeth Swanson, associate professor and veterinary surgeon, to WTVA. The severity of his injuries required meticulous care, including constant bandage changes and diligent management of complications.
Thankfully, despite the shocking injury, Buddy didn’t lose his eyesight. Tunica Humane Society confirmed that doctors believed his eyes were still intact. Damage to his eyelids would require surgical intervention, but the prospect of regaining vision offered a glimmer of hope.
Buddy endured weeks of bandages wrapped around his entire upper body. Through it all, he maintained a remarkable spirit.
“He continues to move forward daily,” the Humane Society wrote on Facebook. “Never once disappointing his doctors. Everyone concerned has been so pleased with the results of his skin grafts. Burn wounds are a very slow process but Buddy is excelling in his healing.”
“During his bandage change today, he showed remarkable improvement in the appearance of his face. While Buddy continues to heal, he is learning some basic commands.”
“This sweet, friendly dog didn’t deserve what happened to him,” they wrote on Facebook. “He wasn’t a threat to anyone. It was extremely cruel and calculated.”
“Hope for Buddy that his horrific injuries weren’t in vain. That somehow, some good will come from this tragedy. That change will come and Justice will be served in cases like Buddy’s.”
As Buddy’s story went viral, support poured in. He underwent skin grafts and required fewer and fewer bandages. Slowly, he began to resemble his old self.
“Now that his ears are loose from the bandages, he is much happier and more playful. I am sure he is feeling so much joy as he slowly gets his life back to normal,” Tunica Humane Society reported.
On August 7th, the rescue announced a “huge turning point” in Buddy’s recovery. For the first time in over three months, his bandages were removed without heavy sedation, allowing him to see.
“His eyes were actually open and he was very aware,” the Humane Society wrote. “In answer to your thousands and thousands of prayers, YES, Buddy can still see.”
“Buddy’s last real memory of vision was in the final horrific moments just before his face was set on fire by a child. In the blink of an eye, this dog’s whole life changed.”
Finally being able to see was a monumental step towards normalcy. His personality began to shine again.
“Buddy’s whole personality has changed since seeing the light of day,” Sandy Williams, director of the Tunica Humane Society, told WREG. “He is happy and playful and walking the halls of the hospital with a great big ball in his mouth. He loves balls. He carries them around so everyone can see.”
A video posted by the rescue showed Buddy playing fetch, a testament to his newfound joy.
While a huge breakthrough, Buddy’s journey isn’t over. He hasn’t fully healed, and his eyelids require further surgery. Due to the severity of his injuries, he will have lifelong special needs.
“His skin is going to be sensitive, his eyes will probably require eye drops, he’ll have to wear sunscreen when he’s outside,” Williams told WREG. “He is not going to be a dog that can stay out in the sun hours at a time.”
Buddy’s story is a testament to the resilience of animals and the power of compassion. It highlights the importance of animal welfare and the urgent need to combat animal cruelty.
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