“She mentioned she’d be a yellow butterfly one day.”
Cole Shinsky lost his mother nine years ago, but he has never forgotten something she said.
Shinsky posted on Twitter, “She mentioned she’d be a yellow butterfly one day.
Shinsky, a left-handed college pitcher, has recently dealt with a number of issues, including shoulder pain and the possibility of changing schools. He yearned for someone to reassure him that everything would be alright, like his mother.
Then, right when he needed her most, a surprise visitor showed up around Mother’s Day.
Shinsky told The Dodo, “I was fishing off the dock at my aunt’s house when she started walking down to me with her hands cupped together. Guess who came to visit, she said.
Shinsky had no idea what his aunt was holding or why she was crying at first.
A tiny yellow butterfly was on his aunt’s palm when she opened her hands.
The butterfly appeared completely content being held, according to Shinsky. “My aunt handed her to me tenderly.”
Shinsky walked slowly inside with the butterfly perched on his hand because he wasn’t prepared for it to take flight.
She moved up my arm and sat on my left shoulder for a few minutes after I finally stopped moving, according to Shinsky, before I went back outside.
Shinsky intensely felt the significance of the yellow butterfly crawling up his left arm, his pitching arm, and staying there.
He couldn’t believe she had come to him just when he needed her most. “This is incredible,” Shinsky wrote on Twitter. “For nine years I have been mesmerized every time I see one but I have never been close enough to touch one.”
In many cultures, seeing a butterfly has deeper meanings, and some consider a yellow butterfly to be a sign of guidance and hope — just what Shinsky needed most.
“I think she specifically came to visit because I am currently in the middle of looking for a different school and I’ve been having a rough time at college,” Shinsky said. “She was just letting me know that she is still here.”
When Shinsky walked back outside, the butterfly stayed with him a few minutes longer, then flew away.
It was a fleeting moment, but Shinsky has a plan for how he can make it last forever — a tattoo of two yellow butterflies looking over his left shoulder, he explained, “for my angels.”
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