When a kind passerby saw Buddy laying on the side of a busy roadway, she stopped her car and got out to help him.
Unexpectedly, the hurt cat got up and hobbled across the busy road before collapsing on a safe patch of grass.
The stranger, an animal foster, grabbed some food from her car to approach the small animal. With gentle movements and patience, the woman and another foster were able to safely secure the hurt animal.
At first, the rescue thought that Buddy might be better off being given human euthanasia. He is an older cat and clearly spent many years outdoors in the elements.
He had scars and matted fur, deformed ears from years of mite infestations, patches of fur missing, fresh wounds on his back and front leg and is FIV positive.
However, Buddy’s gruff exterior was simply hiding a strong, friendly cat.
The vet assessed him and believed he could make it past all of his ailments. First, he would just need a foster home.
The rescue worked to find Buddy a foster home and eventually found the perfect place for him in Boston, Massachusetts.
His new home will have other cats like him, and his safe surroundings will help him heal and get through any medical work he needs done.
Buddy will likely be fixed first, and then will need to have his mouth and teeth examined. His physical state is hard to predict, and if you would like to chip in towards his upcoming medical costs, you can send money to the rescue’s Venmo @tomatofosterclub.
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