A rare sight was captured from the cockpit of a commercial airplane as pilot Lloyd J Ferraro took a stunning photograph of a complete rainbow from an altitude of 30,000 feet. The breathtaking image shows the colors of the rainbow in their full spectrum, arching gracefully across the sky.
Rainbows have long been a source of fascination for people around the world, with their vivid colors and seemingly magical appearance. While rainbows can be seen from the ground after a storm, it is much rarer to witness a complete rainbow from the vantage point of an airplane.
According to Ferraro, he was flying over the Pacific Ocean when he spotted the rainbow and decided to capture the moment on camera. The resulting photograph has since gone viral, captivating people around the world with its beauty and rarity.
The image not only showcases the beauty of nature but also highlights the incredible capabilities of modern technology. Ferraro was able to capture the stunning photograph using a smartphone camera, demonstrating how accessible and advanced our technology has become.
This incredible photo serves as a reminder of the beauty and wonder that surrounds us in our everyday lives. It is a testament to the power of nature and the marvels of modern technology, and it has inspired people around the world to appreciate the small moments of beauty that exist in the world around us.
I call “fake” on this. A rainbow is an optical illusion created by light refraction, which is completely dependent upon the angle of the viewer and upon the light source being behind the viewer. A rainbow is ALWAYS part or whole of a perfect circle; it’s impossible to see or photograph one in perspective.
I agree completely. – sure it’s a nice picture but it always worried me for exactly this reason. The photographer or publisher should admit it’s a composite.
Prove it ! Or it means that you ignore the phycis of rainbows 🙁
It is true this can’t be a rainbow but I believe a refraction on tiny ice crystals is possible
On a second thought, it never should be an oval
I’d say the sun is very much in front of the rainbow. Look at the shadows on the upper clouds and the glowing edge around which suggests the light source is in front.
Your wrong , I’ve seen a full circle rainbow in the sky.
What do you know about the physics of rainbows. Surely nothing ! 🙁
Are you physician or meteorologist ? No. I belong to the second category.
Your opinion is falacious and thus wrong. Circular rainbowq are the natural shape of refraction of light by raindrops or fog in the air.
Do you sell prints of this picture
No one has actually taken credit for it. It was originally posted by an AI artist called Grace Li and has a logo showing it was downloaded from Little Red Book, a Chinese shopping/social media app. If you really want to find the original, maybe go there and buy it from them. You can just print it. The guy he claims he interviewed has never claimed he took the photo on his own page.
In this case, show us the source.
We will never see this again. Its breath taking Absolutely the best Photo I have ever seen. I follow some photographers on face book. Never nothing like this!
I would love to order a print of this if you sell these and if i can afford this! It’s so spiritual to me. Can’t wait to see your other photos. Sir this made day!
The original was downloaded from the Chinese app Little Red Book which is a shopping and social media app, maybe join there and find the account to get prints. The logo is still on many versions that are on Facebook. It was posted to Facebook by an AI artist named Grace Li and then went viral. Claims that Mr Ferraro came later as people were doubting it. He has not claimed on his own page to have taken it. Most photographers would like credit for their work. This is digital art, not a photo. Don’t worry, this image will be circulating the internet for so long you will get sick of it.
Lovely photo? Is it available for commercial use on a website?
It’s AI so no one really owns it. The AI artist Grace Li was the first person to post it on Facebook but it came from Little Red Book app, the logo is on the bottom of many copies of this picture. If you use it you should be honest about what it is because most people are lying about it.
Hello, can I purchase a print of this?
The response after showing this photo to my brother who is a research meteorologist and avid viewer and photographer of atmospheric phenomena:
First, the clouds shown in the photo are not precipitating clouds. Second, a complete rainbow is circular, not oval, Third and fourth, the photo is pointing toward the sunward portion of the horizon after sunset (or before sunrise). Primary and secondary rainbows are centered around the anti-solar point (i.e., directly opposite the sun), not in the direction of the sun. Also, the sun is below the horizon, which means it is impossible to have refraction of sunlight to cause a rainbow. Fifth, at 30,000 feet, all precipitation is in the ice phase, hence rainbows are not possible at that altitude. I might have overlooked a couple of items, but you get the idea. There are plenty of authentic photos of circular rainbows, both from lower-altitude planes where the phase of the precip is liquid and from ground-based highpoints such as from mountains and towers.
It is true this can’t be a rainbow but I believe a refraction on tiny ice crystals is possible
On a second thought, it never should be an oval
David Neiman,
Your opinion sounds learned and authentic. I wonder if you could refer us to a couple of the “plenty of authentic photos of circular rainbows, both from lower-altitude planes where the phase of the precip is liquid and from ground-based highpoints such as from mountains and towers” you mentioned. – Paul Granger
Never mind, David. I found several.
So beautiful I wish I could get a print/ copy so I could hang it my house just absolutely amazing
Nice photoshopped photo. Now show us the original…
This is the original, it is AI not photoshop. It was originally posted by an AI artist called Grace Li, though it seemed to be shared as it is different from most of her content.
This is fake, sadly. It should be a perfect circle, not slanted, and the sun is in front and below the viewer. It should be directly behind.
This is the most beautiful picture I have ever seen!!!!
As a passenger in an airplane I once could see a strip of the rainbow following is in the clouds we were passing though,
FAKE !!!
I don’t care if it is fake or not it is awesome. E
Fake or not, it is Beautiful and Spectacular! Just let it be. If you say it’s fake, fine, let’s all believe what we do. Let it be.